Saturday, May 30, 2015

A New Command for Policing

It has come to my attention that there is fear among police officers and among the citizenry as it relates to systemic racism according to an article entitled, "I'm a black ex-cop, and this is the real truth about race and policing".  In it Mr. Hudson states that he "wish Americans understood about the men and women who serve in their police departments -- and what needs to be done to make the system better for everyone".  Then he begins to list five points he thinks will improve the system which are as follows:
  1. There are officers who willfully violate the human rights of the people in the communities they serve
  2. The bad officers corrupt the departments they work for
  3. The mainstream media helps sustain the narrative of heroism that even corrupt officers take refuge in
  4. Cameras provide the most objective record of police-citizen encounters available
  5. There are officers around the country who want to address institutional racism
In point number 4, he states that an officer "was in fear for his life".  That is what I want to address.  I want to ease tension between both the officer and the citizen.  I think one way to do that would be to change how each community is policed.  For example, African American police officers can police African American communities, Latino police officers can police Latino communities, Caucasian police officers can police Caucasian communities, etc.  In that way, hopefully, we can take some of the fear out of it for both the officer and the citizen.  We can see if this might alleviate some tension and improve relations within that community effective immediately.  If there are not enough officers to cover their respective communities then bring in new hires.

In addition, citizens should be allowed to put police-citizen encounters on their video recordings and cameras dating the incidents and posting it online.  The recordings should be admissible as evidence in the court of law and compared to the police recordings of the incidents to get a complete visual of the incident for a more fair and impartial ruling.