Thursday, June 18, 2015


Poaching is illegal.  To end poaching, a specific number of elephants, rhinos, and any other animals with horns or tusks are to be preserved with armed guards.  The armed guards are allowed to kill anyone who tries to harm any preserved or endangered animal.  All other elephants, rhinos, and any other animals with horns or tusks are to be put to death in a way that is quick, painless, and non-violent.  The dead animal's carcass is to be burned completely.  Hunting of elephants, rhinos or any other animals with horns or tusks is now outlawed.  The buying or selling of ivory, rhino horn, any other animal horn or tusk is illegal whether it is real or fake.  Everything written herein is effective immediately.

Please view the following videos for more information on poaching: Bloody rhino horn trade in Vietnam and Critically Injured Elephant Calf Rescued by Wildlife Trust