Saturday, June 27, 2015

Detained in Custody

Housing Units

To avoid envy and aggression, every detainee held in custody who is an unmarried believer in Christ Jesus and is of the twelve Tribes of Israel is to be kept in their own private apartment/unit.  Each unit will have its own bedroom (see *NOTE below), bathroom, entry hall with closet, computer with ear buds, and Internet.  Each bedroom will have a bed, desk, chair, and a locked place to put personal belongings.  Each bathroom will have a toilet, sink, mirror, storage cabinet, and shower or bath tub.  Each unit will have gated windows and gated doors both with screens to secure belongings and provide safety to the detainee.  Each unit will be clean, sanitary, in good repair, and free of bug infestation.

Grouping of Units

Units will be grouped as follows:
unit groupings for men
unit groupings for women
unit groupings for single parents with under-aged children
unit groupings for the elderly
unit groupings for the disabled
unit groupings for the sick
unit groupings for staff

Each grouping of units will be guarded 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.

Treatment of Residents

Each detainee is to be regarded as a resident and is to be treated with dignity and respect.  Elderly, disabled, and sick residents will have personal assistance or live-in personal assistance as needed preferably by members of their own family with the exception of those needing medical treatment.

The Detention Facility and Amenities

The apartment/unit buildings will be no more than 3 floors high regarding the unit groupings for men, women, single parents, and staff.  Garden apartments/units are reserved for those with knee or walking problems.  The detention facility will serve meals buffet-style offering a variety of foods to eat.  The facility will have a clothing, bedding, bathroom towels, and supplies distribution center.  In addition, it will have a laundry, library with (books, movies, and music), community container garden with raised beds, a medical clinic or hospital, and gym.  The facility will have indoor and outdoor areas with seating for walking, sports, and socializing.

All children are to be supervised by their parents at all times.  Children are to play and congregate in walled-off designated areas located at the unit groupings for single parents only and are not allowed in any of the other unit groupings or its surrounding areas.  Curfew-time for residents will be at 9pm, no noise passed 9pm.  Bed-time for children will be no later than 9pm.

At no time is anyone of the opposite sex allowed in any of all the units on the entire facility with the exception of family or staff.

Aggression such as fighting will be dealt with by confining that person to their unit and meals will be brought to them.  If the aggressor is a child, the parent of that child will be confined to the unit to supervise their child.

All that is written herein is to be done effective immediately.

*NOTE: Each unit will be a one bedroom unit with the exception of units for single parents and live-in personal assistance.  Single parent units will have two people to a bedroom.  Live-in personal assistance units will have one bedroom per person.